Tuesday, March 28

inload: Eldar Titans and Ork Gargants

+ Eldar and Orks for Adeptus Titanicus +

+ Rules, playtesting and a plea +

+ With v0.4 of the document up and ready on the files section [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+], it's now out there for you to playtest. If you have any feedback, ideas, questions or critique of the Eldar Phantom and/or  Ork Gargant rules, please post them up on the Facebook group [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+], or as a comment below. It's particularly helpful if you've had a chance to playtest them live, as it were, to experience them in the round. +

+ Likewise, if you've built or painted any Eldar Titans or Ork Gargants, I'd love to see them – it'd be great to feature them on the blog, or use them in this Eldar and Ork expansion. +


+ Models +

+ Rules are all very well, but models are what this is really about. With all these xenos popping up, it's looking like it's time for a Great Crusade, right? +

+ What little painting time I've had recently has been concentrating on the Catachan guntruck thingie, but I have been able to build and undercoat the Revenant Titans above (and below). +

+ They are 3D prints, and a very kind gift from PCRC stablemate Lucifer216. The kits went together very smoothly, and I've based them on 60mm rounds – I toyed with 80mm bases (like Warhounds), but the lithe alien war engines just looked utterly lost. +


+ While we're talking about building, my brother sent over the WIP pictures of the Gargants he and his boys made – thought I'd share them here so you can see the materials and ideas that went into them. +

+ The rear shot shows some neat little details – I particularly like the use of the Genestealer cult Goliath drill-shield thing as the rear balcony. +


Monday, March 27

+ inload: Ork Gargant rules for Adeptus Titanicus +

+ 'Ere We Go! +

+ Ork Gargants in Adeptus Titanicus +



+ Ork Gargant rules for Adeptus Titanicus +

+ I've been beavering away polishing and tinkering with the rules for running Gargants in Adeptus Titanicus. They're now in a playable state, and the playtest pack can be inloaded for free from the files section of the +Death of a Rubricist+ Facebook group [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]. +

+ The pack, entitled ATEC v04, contains:

  • Full rules for using Ork Gargants in games of Adeptus Titanicus
  • Print-ready Command Terminals for Gargants and Great Gargants
  • Print-ready double-sided weapon cards.
  • Info for submitting playtest notes, but do just feel free to have fun with them!

+ The rules are an iteration of those that I've been exloading here on occasion. Feel free to use the Insphere Contentsieve search function in the left-hand column of the blog to look for 'Gargant' if you'd like to read over some early thoughts. In summary, however, I've followed the following general design principles:

  • Being orky, Gargants should be tough, and kick out a lot of firepower. 
  • Unsubtle but entertaining, they should be generally less reliable than their Imperial equivalent, but have the potential – with luck and good planning – to outshine their opponents' equivalent War Engines.
  • Playing a mob of Gargants should feel like you are an ork Kaptin managing his krew, and reward aggressive play.
  • Playing a mob of Gargants should not be a frustrating experience.
  • Using Gargants must abide to the core rules as seamlessly as possible while maintaining character.

+ Playtesting da Waaaagh! +

+ Had a very enjoyable weekend over at my brother's house. I'd sent him and my nephews a pile of bits and a letter (faithfully dictated by Nikkit the gretchin) from the Warboss asking his meks to build him some dead snazzy Gargants to krump some spiky gitz. +

+ Well, the Meks came good and the Warboss was greeted by a proppa stompy Gargant Mob to take into battle. I think they're just brill – each very distinctive and full of orky character and creativity. They were built using air-drying clay over household bits and bobs. Couldn't have asked for better results; well done, ladz! +

[+{APPENDNOTE=This autoscribe humbly apologises for forgetting to note down the ork's own names for these beasts of steel, so presented here are my loose human translations – do correct me and I'll update the names!+]

Great Gargant Zodwort's Revenge. +

Gargant Waaagharella. +

Gargant Orktimus Prime (and a dead sneeky stompa). +

+ It was a particular treat to see this banner waving over the Great Gargant, as it's been recycled from my brother's old ork army, Waa-Zodwort. Nice to see it taken into battle again. +


+ Playtesting and designer's notes +

+ As my part of the deal, I'd brought along the playtest document above, along with all the terrain and Titans to fight. While keen 40k players, none of them had played Titanicus – but they took to it like ducks to water. +

+ I'd been running the dice every so often to check how things were working, but – lacking any finished gargants – the nearest I was able to come to physical testing beforehand was the rather shonky-looking affair below, with my own mournful half-finished Gargant. +

+ Still, it did the job, letting me try out the Command Terminal and make sure that all the basic mechanics worked. I sent the poor armless Great Gargant out to take on a Warlord and a Reaver – not a fair fight, but a good way to assess the damage mechanics of Krew and Fires. +

+ The Command Terminal on the right of the picture shows an early-game snapshot: just one fire having begun, and plenty of krew remaining. +

+ The late-game example of the Terminal (below) illustrates a snapshot of how the mechanics work. In short, Gargants start with a pool of dice representing Krew, which perform a variety of functions. The quality is determined at the start of each Strategy Phase by rolling the dice, before the player places them on the relevant spaces on the Terminal. This mitigates (but doesn't eliminate) the random hand of luck, giving player agency and decisions to make. Secondly, it gives the player an equivalent to the Imperial decision-making processes throughout the turn – their decisions at this stage affect how the Gargant will behave. +

+ The Command Terminal has a number of negative effects on the Krew spaces – No Full Stride, for example, in one of the boxes on the legs. You ignore these effects by covering them with Krew; so there's no additional book-keeping: you apply only what you can see at the time. A fully-crewed Gargant is a fearsome thing! +

+ Ork players must decide where, and how many, mobs will be assigned to a region. Need to move quickly? Better get enough krew down in the legs, and ensure a good-quality mob are manning the head so the order will go through. Just won a proper scrap? Make sure you max out the Krew in the body, as they're better able to stoke or vent the boiler, or effect repairs throughout the Gargant. And if you just need something killed, load up the gun decks as well as the main weapons! +

+ Ork Gargants make a virtue of their relative lack of sophistication. They're got heavy armour and a long damage track, and critical damage doesn't have a chance of one-shot killing them. There are, Imperial players will be relived to hear, a number of downside to this, however. Damage modifiers come in early and build up quickly. Fires can break out and occupy the Krew spaces. Unlike Krew, fires don't cancel the negative effects, so even one fire in a region can be a pain. Worse, if you've packed the krew into a region too tightly, they'll get consumed by the fires, making your job of managing the Gargant that much harder. +

In the early game, Gargants will have krew and shields to spare – but unlike their Imperial equivalents, there's no way to replace or repair them. Krew can be killed off throughout the game as a result of damage, fires or critical effects, so as the game goes on, you'll have to make difficult decisions on what to prioritise. This diminishing pool mechanic means that orks are encouraged to be aggressive – though this needs to be balanced against keeping the Boiler in the green, too. Ork Power Fields might be strong and effective, but if the Boiler's under strain or too cold, their effectiveness will waver (I like to picture the lights in the Gargant dimming and brightening as the boiler struggles). Also, unlike the relatively reliable servitor clades of Imperial Titans, ork bosses have a zero-sum game of managing repairs and the boiler (reactor) alongside the basic functions of moving and shooting. +

+ Trying to strike the right balance of getting the boiler in the right place is engaging and fun. If you're planning on doing lots in a turn, you might want to vent the boiler to a greater extent – but that will temporarily drop the protection the shields offer until you can activate and start pushing... giving your opponent a chance to strike while you're building up a head of steam. +


+ First playtest findings +

+ The first playtest saw the Great Gargant fell the Warlord, before being destroyed in turn by the Reaver. More importantly, it was a lot of fun! +

+ I was concerned that the Krew would add too much complication to the game, but I'm pleased to report that it felt about right. While there's a bit more thinking in the Strategy phase, the mechanic itself is quick and intuitive, and fills a few gaps that account for other mechanics. +

+ It all felt rather orky – and rest assured that doesn't just mean random. There are meaningful decisions to make. The real test, however, would be using it in a proper game.+

+ Second playtest findings +

+ The Gargant mob above faced a Warlord and two Reavers of Legio Sumer-Nikator. I'm afraid I didn't take any pictures of the game, as I wanted to concentrate on enjoying this rare chance to play with my brother and nephews. +

+ I got some really good feedback, and I was pleasantly surprised that no hiccoughs or odd interactions seemed to arise. The main thing, though, is that we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and had big grins on our faces throughout – probably the best result all-round! 

+ Victory went to the orks. Zodwort's Revenge was ablaze from stem to stern (though not quite out of the fight), while Waaagharella and Orktimus Prime had felled one Reaver. The Imperial battlegroup was thoroughly beaten up, but the result was close, and tense. +

+ Thanks to all involved, and hope you enjoy playtesting the rules further. +


+ 'Ere we go! +

Monday, March 20

+ Collecting Titan crew +

+ On Long-Range Sensors + 

+ White whales, holy grails... We've all got that one figure that we've been after seemingly forever. Perhaps it's nostalgia for a particular model that got you into the hobby, finishing off a particular set, or perhaps it's as simple as the model going out-of-print before you could find a copy. +

+  In my case, I've been collecting Titan crew from Forgeworld for fifteen years. Aside from these models, I'm not really much of a collector per se – I'm usually far too ready to chop things up! This range, however, is small enough that it's been quite fun hunting them down, and I've kept them largely unconverted. You can read a bit more about the others in the range here: [+noosphericinloadlink embedded++

+ As you've probably guessed, I've managed to lay my hands on two of the outstanding figures – quite literally 'outstanding', as they're the two crewmen that stand on the upper deck of the Warbringer Titan. They're both rather lovely figures, packed with character. They came ready-assembled and primed (beggars can't be choosers), but certainly appear to be genuine, rather than recasts. +

+ As you'll spot above, they'll need a little cleaning up and prep-work – the casting gate is still present on the right-hand figure's shoulder, for example – but given how rarely they come onto the market (not surprising, given the fact you normally need to buy a £950(!) Titan to get them), I'm happy to do a little additional prep. +

+ Listed simply as 'Officer' and 'Servitor' in the instructions for the big model, it's a little unclear which crew members they're meant to represent (or perhaps they're simply being transported?) Personally, I'm choosing to interpret the right-hand figure as one of the Moderati of the Titan. Adeptus Titanicus has lovely schematics of the various Titans that list the crews (an example through this link: [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+]. These mention specific roles that the Moderati have like Sensorius, Tacticarus etc. +

+ Since these two seem to have lots of range-measuring devices, we assume they're something to do with directing the targetting of the Warlord-weight weapon on the top of the Warbringer-Nemesis. Not being designed for this sort of weapon, perhaps the Titan's head doesn't have physical space or the right equipment, necessitating a Moderatus to stand to? Who can say? +

+ Painting-wise, these will join the Legio Sumer-Nikator (Sons of the Temple). Having gone to the bother of collecting them all, it seems silly to split them up! +

+ These were the models I was most keen on getting. The others in the collection are mainly the seated models, which I'm not quite so interested in. Having said that, if you know of a Titan crew model that you can't see either here or in the earlier inload, do let me know – these figures are quite hard to find pictures of online. +

Friday, March 17

+ inload: Rumours of Epic Horus Heresy +

+ Silver Stars and Tiny Titans +

+ Epic-scale Silver Stars +

+ Murmurs from the warp (or that is, the reliable rumourmancer 'Chapter Master Valrak', suggest that a new edition of Epic is coming out. We've also seen some interesting phrasing in recent Warhammer Community articles [+noosphericexloadlink emebdded+] about the Warlord Titan – though that might be wishful thinking... In any case, the rumours point to Epic being the 'big thing' for the latter part of this year, following the release of 40k's 10th(!) edition. + 

+ Regular inloaders will know something about the 6mm scale really catches my imagination, and Epic: Armageddon is my favourite game. The new edition will supposedly be based in the Horus Heresy. I'm a little disappointed that we won't see Eldar and Orks and the rest (at least at first), but you've got to start somewhere. The popularity and distinctive colour schemes of Space Marines makes them an obvious way for Games Workshop to test the waters. +

+ Probably just as important as those factors, is cost-saving and risk-management. The civil war setting means the same models can be used on both sides – exactly as they are in Adeptus Titanicus. +

+ I am excited to see a new generation of Epic-scale miniatures. The technology and engineering skill now on show means that any new models – and by the Omnissiah let's hope they're plastic – should be stunning. +


+ Revenants in Adeptus Titanicus +

+ And since it's looking unlikely we'll have small-scale xenos any time soon, I'm sure the hobby community will be cracking on with making their own. The inimitable Lucifer216 has kindly sent me a shipment of Revenant Titans – I'm looking forward to building these and trying out the playtest rules we've been working on. +

+ You can find the playtest rules for the Revenant in this inload [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]. +


Thursday, March 9

+ inload: Catachan Goliath truck +

+ Catachan 634th – Crotalid 4-wheeler +

+ Having lurked untouched since – yikes – August 2021, this Imperial Goliath (reclaimed from the genestealer cults!) was a lot of fun to convert [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]. I've picked it up again now and decided to get some colour on it. + 

+ As a standalone project, I'm hoping to lavish it with a lot of attention; following the enjoyment I had with painting the Phantom Titan [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]. +


+ Gunner Marlin +

Starting with my comfort zone (painting skintones), I decided to paint the gunner first. A fairly straightforward process, I worked from a Halford's camo brown undercoat, onto which I painted three thin coats of Army Painter's Mummy Robes. From there, lots and lots of glazing. I used red and yellow inks alongside various browns and black paints diluted down with flow enhancer and water. +

+ I had a lot of fun suggesting and balancing texture on the skin – I wanted the face to look quite grizzled and care-worn, but to retain the 'musclebound action hero' feel on the arms. +

+ I like how he looks at the moment, but am wondering if there's some way to make him pop a bit more – I'd like this to be a real display piece; something I've not really attempted before. I'm weighing up whether to push the highlights and shading a little more, but am also aware that it's easy to overwork things and spoil a good result. +

+ For the moment, then, I'll leave him as-is. My aim is to get the whole composition up to a similar level and then make a judgement on which bits need further work. My standard approach of dealing with things there and then is going to be my enemy here! +

+ Also visible here is a new technique for me: creating cast iron texture.  This is an idea I've cribbed from the excellent 'Nightshift' channel of Martin Kovac, which I stumbled over while reading about ways to paint olive drab tanks. +

+ The principle is simple – put polystyrene cement over the area you want affected, then stipple the wet area with a stiff-bristled brush. The result is a textured surface reminiscent of cast iron. It's a fun technique, and one that adds an immediate visual bit of interest – though I confess to some nervousness halfway through...  +

+ To ensure this looked intentional, and not simply a bad case of fuzzy primer, I made sure to keep some areas clean and flat – like the top of the driver's cab on the left of the image above. Fortunately, casting was a technique that was ill-suited to small bits: the main body or turret of a tank would be cast (with this distinctive texture), and any additional bits would be milled or otherwise produced with a clean surface. +

+ For me, that offers a nice contrast: texture to show of textural techniques, and clean surfaces to demonstrate cleanliness of highlighting. +


Tuesday, March 7

+ inload: Blood Angel remnants +

+ Those left behind +

+ Lurking at the bottom of the box in which I store my Blood Angels army [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+] are a few figures which were unfinished when I sent them off to be displayed in Warhammer World. For the most part, they're addenda to the main army – that is, they weren't amongst the models as the army appeared in White Dwarf 139 (the theme and inspiration for the force), but have some form of connection. +

+ Pictured here are four figures. The Terminator captain was never part of the army, but the model is inspired by a Rogue Trader-era figure who was part of the original Terminator box release. +

+ Beside him are two lieutenants – these were compulsory in the Rogue Trader army list, though as far as I'm aware, the GW studio army never had them... or did they? If you look closely at the list in WD139, you'll spot that the Lieutenant is present in the army list – but only ever appeared as the driver in the Land Speeder [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]; hence the egregious yellow shoulder pads. +

+ Finally we've got a standard bearer. When I reimagined the apothecary [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+], I reduced the giant banner he was bearing to a back banner. While I think this was the right decision, I also think that banners are a key part of the overall aesthetic, and wanted to include a Ancient – this is the result. I had intended that he carry a large version of Captain Tycho's heraldry, as my version of the model follows the (back-bannerless) artwork. Sadly, blank banners seem to be a bit few and far between these days, so I've instead used one from the Sanguinary Guard kit, which at least is Blood Angel themed. +

+ All are at a fairly basic level. You'll notice that I've completed the bases and faces – a common way I start off, as it immediately makes things feel more interesting to me.


+ Next up are the scouts. These were never shown as part of the army, but were knocking about at the same time, owing to the release of Advanced Space Crusade. I still have a quiet ambition to get that out of the garage and play that some day... And it'd be fun to use original models for it. +

+ Close-up of the faces. +


+ And apropos of nothing beyond having the figures out to photograph, here are some close-ups of some others from the army. +


+ The Mark of Khorne +

+ Finally, I'm very pleased to see Krautscientist return to the noosphere – go check out the ever-entertaining and inspirational Khorne's Eternal Hunt. [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+] +


Thursday, March 2

+ inload: Adeptus Titanicus – Eldar Revenant Scout Titan +

+ Adeptus Titanicus: Eldar Revenant Scout Titan playtesting rules +

+ Forgeworld's 40k-scale Revenant Titan with sonic lances +


+ With the basic rules of the Phantom established for Adeptus Titanicus, I dived into White Dwarf 186 to read more about its smaller kin, the Revenant Scout Titan. Here's an excerpt:  

With its lightning speed and deadly armament, the Revenant Scout Titan epitomises the Eldar approach to war! Each Revenant Titan is equipped with a pair of sophisticated jump jets which enable it to bound across the battlefield in a series of springing leaps. Armed with two pulse lasers, a missile launcher and a scatter laser, Revenants use their mobility to pick off vulnerable enemy units or crack open and explore any weakness in the line.

Eldar Titans 

Eldar Titans are very different to those used by the Imperium. Imperial Titans are born in the boiling flames and arcing energies of the Adeptus Mechanicus forges, bolted and welded together with ceramite skin and adamantium bones. Eldar Titans are grown or extruded from a strange psycho-plastic called Wraithbone, under the control of the psychic morphing powers of the Eldar caste of Bonesingers. Wraithbone is an immensely durable material, tougher than adamantium and stronger than plasteel. Wraithbone has another important property, it can conduct psychic energy and respond to it in an almost organic way. This gives Eldar Titans a flexibility and finely tuned musculature almost akin to living creatures.

Eldar Titans are tall and slender, moving with a smooth agility and grace unachievable by human Titans. They benefit not only from the experience of their crews (who dedicate themselves to their TItan for the equivalent of several human lifetimes) but also from the collective consciousness of a large Spirit stone which contains the souls of numerous dead Eldar. The TItans's Wraithbone core permits the spirits contained within it to flow freely through the whole construct. This gives the Eldar Titan a consciousness of its own which, combined with its living crew, makes it a deadly fighting machines.

Scout Titans

The best known Eldar Titans are the Phantom and Warlock Battle Titans. These tall, elegant instruments of war are quite capable of crushing any opponent. Less common, but no less deadly, are the Eldar Revenant Scout Titans. These sleek, fast killing machines are deployed to add extra punch to the Eldar skimmer forces of Jetbikes and Vypers whenever they are raiding or scouting the enemy battle line. Revenants are well armed for their size, normally carrying twin pulse lasers for use against tanks and Titans, plus a missile launcher and scatter laser for tackling enemy infantry. With the aid of the Revenants, Eldar Jetbikes can sweep aside the opposing forces and launch deep strikes against enemy-held objectives.

To increased the manoeuvrability of the Revenant and enable it to keep up with the skimmers, the Titan is equipped with a highly efficient arrangement of jets powered by gasses siphoned directly from the Titan's plasma reactor. These very powerful jump jets allow the Revenant to make long, powered leaps which can easily carry it over intervening battlefield obstacles such as woods, marshes or buildings.

[+White Dwarf 186+]

+ The original design for the Revenant Titan, shown above, was quite different – I'll look at various designs in a future inload. +


+ Take-aways +

Old White Dwarfs are a great source for background material, and while older rules sets get outdated, I like to get a feel for the designer's intentions when updating things. It's also good to see how the same information (on, say, Eldar Titans in general) is redrafted and presented anew. Little things that are implied are sometime made explicit – like the presence of plasma reactors in Eldar Titans, which was previously arguable. +

+ Holo field apologetics +

+ Likewise, there's an interesting note on holofields later in the article:

'Holo fields are useless against area effect weapons which don't rely on pin-point accuracy to hit. Therefore, the holo field save does not apply against hits from barrages, or any other attack that uses a template of any kind.'

+ That's a fairly straightforward statement, and brings up an interesting design quandry. Should this weakness to template weapons be applied to the updated rules I'm using? +

+ For the moment, I'm going to leave them as-is. The holofield mechanic I'm using – modifiers to hit, rather than an additional save – is based largely on a desire to use existing mechanics where possible. It does, however, make me feel that perhaps I ought to lose the scattering on a D6 even on a successful hit... +

+ Other sight-blocking wargear and abilities in modern Adeptus Titanicus (like Concealment Barrage) operate on modifiers, and I think this nicely reflects the lore of how holo fields work:
'Holo fields are not designed to block, absorb or shunt aside attacks like Imperium void shields and Ork power fields. Instead the holo field confuses enemy's locating and targeting systems by defracting [sic] the subject's image. When a unit protected by a holo field moves, its mage seems to explode into a storm of multi-coloured shards. The faster the vehicle or Titan moves, the more scattered the image becomes. When it stops, the cloud appears to coalesce into a solid shape again.'

+ Secondly, the way armour and saves works in modern Adeptus Titanicus is very different to classic Epic – and oddly enough, the void shields in modern AT work more like the old holo fields! I want the Eldar to feel familiar but distinct to any player of the modern game, and that's why I'll stick with the playtest rules for the moment. +


+ Interestingly, the approach I'm taking has a precedent here. I noted in an earlier article that I wanted to minimise book-keeping, and so while I toyed with the idea that the model would have to move a certain distance for various holofield effects, I rejected that as being too hard to track and too likely to cause arguments. Instead, I decided it would be the order the unit is on, rather than the distance it moves, which affects the holo field benefit. That's exactly what's described in White Dwarf 186: 

'Because the effectiveness of the holo field is linked to the speed of movement of the vehicle or Titan, the saving throw varies according to the orders the subject is on. This makes the holofield far more effective when the target is on Charge orders rather than First Fire. [...] The saving throw is tied only to the unit's orders and not to the distance the model moves in a turn.'


+ Jump jets +

'The Revenant is equipped with a pair of powerful jump jets which are powered directly from its plasma reactor. Gravitic drives cut in when the Revenant jumps, neutralising part of its mass to allow it to make long graceful leaps over obstacles and impassable terrain.'

+ This piece of wargear is characteristic, perhaps defining, of the Revenant. It's going to define the Titan. The older rules were simple in concept, though quite granular in detail. As noted earlier, I want this ruleset to be easy-to-grasp for players, so adapting existing mechanics seems sensible. + 

+ At root, what made the Revenant stand out in old Epic was its ability to leap tall buildings (etc.) in a single bound. Its manoeuvrability, speed and ability to set ambushes are repeatedly referenced, so those are the things we want to reflect in the modern game. +


+ Don't believe the hype: statting the Revenant +

+ The straightforward answer, then, is to give it huge Speed and Manoeuvre characteristics, but I'm not confident that will make for a particularly interesting game experience. Simply making it much faster than a Warhound will potentially cause problems with objective-based play, and could easily be frustrating. I also wonder whether it's really justified. One of the dangers of taking statements from articles like this in isolation is that you get a warped view. If you look at the equivalent lore for the Warhound, for example, you'll get similar emphasis on their speed etc. +

+ Looking at the actual in-game stats as well is thus a much fairer point of comparison. Here we find the Warhound has a movement of 25cm, while the Revenant has 30cm – so a bit faster, but not the huge difference we might guess from reading the Revenant article in isolation. +

+ So, with that in mind, how can we make the Revenant both interesting to play with and against? How can we differentiate it and not make it a 'Warhound +1'? My answer to this is as follows: +

+ Speed  A higher bases Speed than the Warhound, but similar speeds when pushed. This ties into the idea that the Eldar Engines are inherently superior, but more risk-averse than their Imperial counterparts. +

+ Agility  + There's not really much point in giving it a substantially greater Manoeuvre characteristic than the Warhound (3/5), as the Imperial Scout Titan can already turn more than 180 degrees in a turn. The background text in the Revenant article in WD183 – there, it's stated:

'The Revenant Titan is very fast and extremely agile, so unlike other Titans it can turn as many times as it wants while it is moving.'

+ However, I think that removing the turn limit in modern Titanicus would be a shame. You remove a key part of the engagement with the table, and strip the player of the considerations of manoeuvre. Secondly, it would stop it feeling like a Titan, and start feeling more like a Knight. Knights have the Agile rule which does exactly this – allows unlimited turns – and giving it to a Titan would blur things too much for my taste. +

+ To partly reflect the improved agility, then, I've instead taken the less abstract approach of simply giving it a smaller base, allowing it to move more freely on the table without simply bumping its stats too high. +

+ Jump Jets  As perhaps the defining characteristic of this Titan, the jump jets need some thought, and warrant some unique rules. I can't think of anything quite equivalent to this in the existing rules, though there's some promising stuff in the rules for moving over terrain. This is defined by the Titan's Scale – you can move over blocking terrain up to half the Titan's scale in inches, as long as the base can clear it. (Another point in favour of having a small base.) +

+ It's thus a neat mechanic to use as a start – and all you need is a statement 'The Revenant counts as being twice its scale for the purposes of moving over terrain.' Further to this, we'll let it ignore Difficult and Dangerous terrain unless it lands within it. +


+ The Revenant Terminal +

+ ...and so here's the Terminal, ready for playtesting. +

In addition to this, you'll need to know:
  • The Eldar playtesting rules summary in this inload [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+], 
  • We're playtesting Revenants on 60mm bases. This is intentionally slightly smaller than the Warhounds, as it goes some way to reflecting their agility. 
  • You should use the Warhound turning/arc template for Revenant manoeuvres and checking arc.
  • A larger version (v005) is available on the +Death of a Rubricist+ Facebook page, which you can find through Linktree.