+ Toll the great bell once! +
+ Painting progress +
+ Sound the chime to rouse the Machine Spirits to wakefulness! +
+ I'll need to come up with a suitable Maniple name... + |
When I decided to paint a new Titan maniple for the Beachhead event, I was aware that it was a pretty big task, and so it's proving! So... much... trim.
The good news is that I'm finally getting to the end of the base painting. This has involved lots of subassemblies, of which I'm thoroughly sick; and so it's been a welcome milestone to be able to glue the [+SCRAPSHUNTERRORABORT+] things together at last, resulting in what you see here.
+ Painting plans +
+ Here's my plan for getting these over the line. [+APPENDEDIT: I'll be striking through bits that have been done since this inload was initially posted, so you can see my progress. +
_1 The next stage for all of them will be adding the black stripes to the white plates, and add some highlights and initial shading to the base coating. This will include panel lining, where appropriate. I'll use a purply-brown for the red, and a blue-grey midtone for the white.
Trying to visualise the eventual colour balance is a bit tricky – I know the oil washes and varnish will mute the colours somewhat, but I'm still having to force myself not to grime things up at this point. For this reason, the highlights probably need to be a bit brighter and pinker than looks right – as the yellow-tinged glaze/filter will warm it back up and bring it back to a neutral red. That's the theory, at least.
_2 After that, I'll add the transfers. Once those are in place, I'll varnish to protect the transfers – I'm still undecided on whether to use brush-on varnish to topically protect the transfers, or an overall spray.
_3 After that, we're onto the oils. My plan is to use burnt umber and raw sienna to bring some warmth, richness and visual texture to the large flat plates, and help the transfers sit in.
_4 I'll then switch over to the additional bits and bobs, so the oils have plenty of time (ideally a week or so) to dry/oxidise. These additional bits are:
- Titan banners (between the legs)
- Weapon banners
- Terminal name plates – courtesy of Obsidian Forge [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+]
Three objective markers for primary missions: Secure and Hold and Salt the EarthThree objective markers for primary missions: Asset Protection and Defend and Extract- Titan Honour Banner for primary mission: Honour thy Forebears
Two markers for secondary mission: Deny Them- Three markers (one Primary, two Secondary) for secondary mission: Glory and Honour
- Six markers (one Shield, one Spear, two Alpha and two Beta) for secondary missions: Priority Assignment and A Matter of Honour.
_5 Polishing up the detail. This is basically everything else – but given a lot of the weathering, detailing and so forth will have been done previously, this should (touch wood) mainly involve polishing up the bases.
Quite a lot to do... Pass the brown paper bag for hyperventilation practice! I'll have to have a think about how I'll do the various markers.
+ Specifics +
+ For quick reference and as an aide memoire, here are my notes for what specific details each Titan needs. +
This retrohammer project is an affectionate update, rather than a direct translation. As noted in earlier inloads, some of the weapon loadouts are now illegal or non-existent, so I'm having to make some concessions to modernity. The same will apply to the details of the painting. I want things to be recognisable, but also to take advantage of the larger, more detailed models. To that end, I'll be adapting bits here and there – these notes should flag the sort of decisions I'm making.
First up is Steel Hammer, Titan of Princeps Prime [sic.] Kurtiz Mannheim, who carked it during the Second War for Armageddon (whisper it low, but these are 40k-era Titans sneaking into a Heresy event). As the only Titan without a studio equivalent, I've got a lot of freedom here.
Black chevrons on shin, stripes on shoulders and above head.Update left arm weapon – and redraft list! Shave points to bring in plasma?
Carnivore has had a name tweak to Praeterita Carnivorus. Evocative of the old name, but with a bit more over-the-top pomp and grandiosity of the modern game, it translates roughly to 'Past Carnivore', or 'Carnivore of things past' – a pun I couldn't quite resist. It's also a reference to the Victorian-era polymath John Ruskin, for reasons I'll expand on below. Praeterita was a sort-of biography; an elegy of a lost past – which seemed a fittingly pompous adjunct to this backward-looking project.
Here's the inspiration:
Paint left pauldron red.Black chevrons on right pauldron.Update right arm to laser blaster.- Black diamond and skull on right knee.
- Black Opus Titanica symbol in yellow circle on right knee.
Yellow striped carapace – though I'm tempted to make this a three-colour stripe (white, yellow, black) to put a bit of space between this and the modern Fire Wasps scheme.- Yellow groin – perhaps with black transfer to avoid drawing the eye too much.
- Titan banner (between legs) – black skull and two small black kill markings.
- Moderatus banner (left arm): Legio symbol in centre on red field, surrounded by small black icons, surmounted by Opus Machina; all bordered in white and black chevrons.
- Nail icon to add somewhere, along with reference to Lycurgus and Fortune.
Ferratus Tertius is the furthest along of the group, and has served as a bit of a testbed for things. I'm pleased with how he's coming along, though I am erring towards swapping out the Gatling blaster for something a bit more visually similar to the vulcan megabolter, like Battle Bling's cyclone mega-bolter [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+]. You'll note that I've painted the head white, rather than silver, for increased contrast. Heraldically, I reassure myself, it still reads as 'Iron Skull'.
Ferratus Tertius |
- Black diamond and skull on right knee.
- Black Opus Titanica symbol in yellow circle on right knee.
- Titan banner (between legs) – black skull and three small black kill markings.
- Moderatus banner (right arm): Legio symbol in centre on red field, surrounded by small black icons, surmounted by Opus Machina; all bordered in white and black chevrons.
Repaint shoulder armour red.- Key icon, and reference to Odysseus to be added.
Fors Clavigera is my modern take on Clavigera/Ferratus Primus, and the reason for the John Ruskin nod. Fors Clavigera is a series of essays he published, which outlined his social economics and proto-environmentalism.
The reference is the three 'Fors' by which the working man could influence things: force, fortune and fortitude – which are symbolised by Hercules' club; a nail (of Lycurgus – of Sparta fame); and a key (of Odysseus/Ulysses) respectively.
The names of all three of these items are derived from 'Clava' – and so this is a good example of how you can dive into a cool but throwaway name and invest it with a bit more gravitas (or disappear entirely up your own rear end!). Incidentally, it also means that Clavigera is feminine, making this a God-Engine following the old naval tradition of referring to ships as 'she'.
Of all these titans, Clavigera is the one that I think least resembles the inspiration, and so I'm going to try my hand at converting a barrage missile (as seen below), and possibly replace the gatling blaster with an alternative.
Swap upper carapace for red;include white Aquilla.Chainfist to be painted red.Black stripes on shoulders.- Black diamond and skull on right knee.
- Black Opus Titanica symbol in yellow circle on right knee.
- Titan banner (between legs) – Opus Machina and five small black kill markings.
- Moderatus banner (right arm): Legio symbol top centre on yellow field, surmounting black diamond flanked by Opus Titanicus symbols; all bordered in black.
- Club icon, and reference to Hercules to be added.
Powerfist to be painted with yellowand black chequers.Black stripes on left shin (after strengthening white field and red trim).- Legio symbol skull on right knee.
- Yellow Opus Titanica on left knee.
- Titan banner (between legs) – to add?
- Moderatus banner (right arm): Three black skulls on yellow field with red border.
Looks great!