+ New year and a reboot of the Visualiser Engine +
+ Reboot from start +
Hopefully it's familiar enough that any long time Rubricists will know where things are, but a bit easier on the eyes. I've also restricted the old font (twelve years of which has made me inordinately fond) to the headings and bits of particular emphasis:
+ Like this +
+ Work progresses on my Legio Metalica maniple for Beachhead. Just a month to go, and plenty to paint – yikes! +
Perhaps fittingly for raising God-Engines, it's proving quite the logistical task, as I've opted to part-build them, leaving sub-assemblies for painting. This is further complicated by the need to unpack and sort at the start of every session, and tidy everything away after each session, all of which eats into the available time. None of this is conducive to getting good pict-captures!
However, the good news is that the substructure of each Titan is now assembled and his its base coats applied – as in the example of Old Three Skulls above. I've used various dark metal mixes, broadly a combination of Black Legion Contrast, Leadbelcher, Burnt Sienna and silver calligraphy ink, which gives a nice muted old metal. Over this I've applied a variegated wash of Seraphim Sepia and Druchiii Violet (i.e. I add spots of each colour, and allow them to mix into each other on the surface, without intentionally mixing them too much).
The red is a coat of Mephiston Red over Colour Forge's Sanguine Red. While the spray coats well, a thin layer of paint applied with the brush helps to enrich the colour a bit. I want to keep it fairly vibrant, as I'm planning to apply some oil washes, which will mute things a bit.
+ Lovely gifts +
Blessed fellow that I am, I was very pleased to get a Reaver for Christmas – already assembled, as part of the Iron Skulls above – and these chaps, too:Regular inloaders may well remember the Throng of Nog, and the new plastic releases for classic dawi are right up my street. Delighted with this kit, which sums up everything I like about dwarfs. I couldn't resist a little conversion work; namely trimming down the headdresses so that the underlying structure of the crown/helms are a bit more apparent for this cyng/thegn.
The bearers are lovely little figures in themselves, with lots of cool details like a the hold's Book of Grudges (visible here on the bearer on the left), and a beer tankard.
...and unrelated to anything except my love of cool sci-fi miniatures, I couldn't resist picking up these two, from the recent Inquisition set for Kill Team.
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