+ Return to the Tallowlands +
+ With the Iron Circle polished off [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+], part II of my short-term 2018 plans, detailed in inload #400 [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+] is in motion. After a push last night, the whole team is at a stage where I can turn to the enjoyable detailing. +
Excuse the slightly scary pupil-less eyes; still WIP! |
+ Chaunterwick Unathletic's 'stadium', the Purefinder Bowl; capacity 1200(ish, depending on whether smaller spectators are willing to sit on larger spectator's shoulders) – isn't the most attractive, comfortable or practical playing field. You might expect a 'but' to append that last sentence, but there isn't one. +
+ A Catcher and two throwers: #7 Marius Magismet; #3 Jimmy Turnpike; and #1 Karljung Eastmoor (VC). + |
+ The team's blitzers: #10 Harald Furness, #2 Piritt Silvers (C), and #13 Bobby Tuppence. + |
+ Even taking into account differences in posture and physical variation, the set is a bit all over the place, particularly in the standing linemen, which I think are the weaker sculpts of the set; their poses a bit half-hearted. With that said, it does give the models great character and individuality; meaning that each one really does feel like a real person. +
+ Bruisers on the line of scrimmage: #5 Derby Welch, #4 Bartram Binks, and #12 Bryan Wobegone. + |
+ ...and the remaining linemen: #9 Ifor y Gyrdl, #8 'No-Hope' Nobbins, #6 Toby RIverbank, and #11 Colin Ap Scond. + |
+ What next? Well, I'm hoping to finish off the team this week, if not tonight, and then it's on to the next part of my short-term plan: a return to the Alien Wars [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]; though perhaps with a quick diversion to the Iron Warriors – the PCRC are meeting up at the end of the month, and we've got a big game planned. +
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