Wednesday, January 10

+ inload: Blood Bowl – Chaunterwick Unathletic +

+ Return to the Tallowlands +

+ With the Iron Circle polished off [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+], part II of my short-term 2018 plans, detailed in inload #400 [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+] is in motion. After a push last night, the whole team is at a stage where I can turn to the enjoyable detailing. +

Excuse the slightly scary pupil-less eyes; still WIP!
+ Chaunterwick Unathletic's 'stadium', the Purefinder Bowl; capacity 1200(ish, depending on whether smaller spectators are willing to sit on larger spectator's shoulders) – isn't the most attractive, comfortable or practical playing field. You might expect a 'but' to append that last sentence, but there isn't one. +

+ A Catcher and two throwers: #7 Marius Magismet; #3 Jimmy Turnpike; and #1 Karljung Eastmoor (VC). +
+ With the exception of the Captain, Piritt Silvers, who is a slightly converted version of Forge World's Griff Oberwald, the team is the metal version released by Games Workshop in 2004. I bought a set years back, and regretted selling it on, so it's nice to have a set again. Nicer still to have it (nearly) painted! The original set was unusual for a GW release in that it had a full sixteen-man team, each with a unique sculpt. Mine has a duplicate, because I wanted a crouching scrimmage line (see below). +

+ The team's blitzers: #10 Harald Furness, #2 Piritt Silvers (C), and #13 Bobby Tuppence. +
+ Prior to the new plastics, this was the most up-to-date human set, though because it was received a limited release through the short-lived Fanatic subsidiary, it may be unfamiliar to some readers. The sculpts vary in quality. I think the throwers are fantastic, but there are huge inconsistencies within the set in terms of height, hand size and general bulk. +

+ Even taking into account differences in posture and physical variation, the set is a bit all over the place, particularly in the standing linemen, which I think are the weaker sculpts of the set; their poses a bit half-hearted. With that said, it does give the models great character and individuality; meaning that each one really does feel like a real person. +

+ Bruisers on the line of scrimmage: #5 Derby Welch, #4 Bartram Binks, and #12 Bryan Wobegone. +
+ One thing I didn't like about the set was the huge spikes and blades all over the models. Yes, they add to the over-the-top Blood Bowl feel, but to be honest, I think they look much better trimmed down – you can judge for yourself by comparing the unmodified Derby Welch (on the left) with Bryan Wobegone (on the right). Apart from anything else, I think easily-hidden knuckledusters and subtly sharpened rivets are much more in-keeping with the (admittedly fairly blurry) in-universe rules of having no weapons on the pitch. +

+ ...and the remaining linemen: #9 Ifor y Gyrdl, #8 'No-Hope' Nobbins, #6 Toby RIverbank, and #11 Colin Ap Scond. +
+ Part of the reason I like this set so much is that it's largely divorced from the Warhammer military. Most of the 3rd edition Blood Bowl releases took too many design cues from their respective Warhammer army (the High Elves were a particularly bad culprit), and lost the 2nd edition fantasy football charm. These have it back in spades, and it's interesting to note the similarities between these relatively unsophisticated sculpts and the new Griff model, who reads like a very slick update of the metals. +

+ What next? Well, I'm hoping to finish off the team this week, if not tonight, and then it's on to the next part of my short-term plan: a return to the Alien Wars [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]; though perhaps with a quick diversion to the Iron Warriors – the PCRC are meeting up at the end of the month, and we've got a big game planned. +

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