Wednesday, April 20

+ inload: Didn't they do well, folks?

+ Phew! A big painting push last night has seen the fourteen Iron Warriors on the bench all but completed. Like the others, they need a few additions here and there (mainly Legion symbols), but they're certainly ready to make themselves known on the battlefield now. +

+ The new additions include Basilikoi, Phalangites and Euthytonoi (or Veteran Legionaries, Tactical Legionaries and Heavy Support Legionaries, to give them their in-game titles), and we'll be looking at them here on Death of a Rubricist over the next few days. Quite a mix, but I think this now gives me a fieldable army. I'll have to double-check tonight. +

+ The walking wounded mini-diorama is also essentially complete. Certainly good enough for an objective marker, but I'd like to go back and refine the face and blood; and to touch in the purity seals. +

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