+ As part of the Officia Monstrosa project, an Iron Warriors force to face off against Bob_Hunk's LED-lit Imperial Fists, it's likely that this group will be done in fits and starts while enthusiasm strikes! As a result, I wanted to record how I painted them, so I can replicate it later. I hope it's of use to you, too. +
+ Iron Warrior Infantry part 1 +
+ I've listed the paints and other materials I've used, but feel free to substitute them for what you have available. It's all a bit of a moveable feast! +
Next, add a drop of sepia ink. Finally, add a little Scorched Brown in one corner, and Abaddon Black in another. Allow these colours to bleed into the silver, so that you can use mixes or pure versions of the silver. Use a large brush to paint the whole model, aiming for a variegated effect – as shown, the result should be relatively dark in value. Alternatively, you could paint it silver then lightly drybrush with a mix of silver and brown.
Use your thumb or a piece of untextured kitchen paper to swipe away the wash from raised surfaces. Allow to dry completely before continuing.
Avoid the shoulder trim and any parts that you want to differentiate. I paint the backs of the legs, most of the backpack and the working parts of the gun differently, in order to provide some visual interest, for example, so I leave these areas alone.
It's worth noting at this point that I'm thinking about the light source (above) at this point, and applying less paint to areas away from it. As a result, some areas receive barely any paint and remain shaded. The legs illustrate this well. The trailing leg (left of picture), is shaded and dark because the light from above can't get to it. It receives a little reflected light from below, so isn't untouched, but not much. Compare with the forward leg, where the thigh is cleanly highlighted (apart from an area of battle damage), the knee receives a little, and the shin virtually no light. The foot also remains largely in shadow, except for the toes, which are relatively light.
Place the figure the right way up to dry. You're aiming to paint the pads in one brushstroke, so that you don't get any marks, and you create a smooth gradation. Placing the figure the right way up means that the colour (already stronger in the lower part) flows down to strengthen the tone, and away from the highlight areas.
Once dry, I touched in tiny touches of Badad Black on the face, to begin to establish the deepest tones near the focal points.
+ That's it for part 1 – the remainder will be in a future inload. I'll add a noospheric inloadlink when I finish them off. Still to come is highlighting and detailing. +
+ EDIT – part 2 is up here [noospheric link embedded] +
+ EDIT – part 2 is up here [noospheric link embedded] +
Looking good so far man!
ReplyDeleteI really like this effect mate. Very dark and militaristic...it fits the Iron Warriors perfectly