+ The joys of flitting +
+ Nothing motivates me more than having a project deadline – in this case for a campaign weekend over in Bristol. Unfortunately, that motivation is for largely unrelated models! +
+ Still, paint is paint, and where would the PCRC be without traditional panic-painting? +
+ Legio Nikator +
+ Painting continues, albeit slowly, on Coropedion. The approach I've taken here is to give the whole model a layer of dirty metal, using a similar approach to that used for the early stages of my Iron Warriors [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]. I've then begun blocking in the terracotta and turquoise. For the terracotta, I'm starting from the orange midtone, to allow me to highlight and shade; while for the turquoise, I've started from a slight highlight, which means it will be subdued significantly in the finished result – or at least, that's the plan! +
+ My hood is doffed to Games Workshop for this model – it's proving as much a pleasure to paint as it was to build. The details are crisp, the detail raised enough to make brushwork enjoyable while retaining inks/washes, and a lovely mix of smooth plates for considered blending and heavy industrial detail for quick washwork. +
+ The thoughts behind the scheme are in an earlier inload [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+], if you'd like to know more about it. +
+ New crew +
+ Vomited forth from the the depths of the immaterium, this Princeps model will join the others [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+] in the Sons of the Temple. +
+ I've never been much of a collector; but in gathering together the various Princeps and Titan crew models Forgeworld have produced, I can see why people get the bug. +
+ Meanwhile, in the Court of the Sun King +
‘Yn the Cōurt of the Suñne Cyngge; yclept the latest – ðe Grænd Duc; though whither his duchy, we wit not.’
So spake the owlingman.
‘Still: lieless and sturdy stands the truth on which this tale is told. This fourteen-month saw Childeric muster his allies to his breast; deep in the wildes of Cepheus where the scrimshander-monks gave him succour and made good his pains and his band’s sorrows - yet evenwhilst Sciriusc, the Sunne King, pinned forth The City and swept it clean of forwandlers, perverts and strangemen.’
‘Forewhy? In sanity I could not plumb not fathom; though knowing yet now that howling moon-madness was the best of the bitter platters served for us to choose; so monstrous strange we’re the events yet forthcoming.’
+ Now, with reference to flitting from project to project and procrastinating about my Bristol force, this full-figured chap will make an appearance there – he'll be playing the part of a VIP protected by the PDF – and whether he's a bewigged fourth-generation hybrid or brood brother is yet to be seen... +
Fantastic work so far - a titan really is a long distance run rather than a sprint and I think you're doing a fantastic job. Can't wait to see some decals on your engine!