Tuesday, August 28

+ inload: The Sons of the Temple +

+ Legio Nikator +

Title: The Legio Sumer-Nikator Ordo Titanicus
Militaris Grade: Secundus
Patent: Pre-Unification, Martian Mechanicum
Warden Domain(s): Sumer (Forge World)
Cognomen: Sons of the Temple
Allied War Houses: None
Allegiance: Fidelitas Scindere

Tincture: Terracotta and turquoise; representing the fertile land and open skies of Sumer.
Charge: Hand with Coronet – the coronet surmounting the hand on officers; and grasped in triumph on Titans, to represent the joining of man and machine.


+ Titans of Sumer-Nikator + 

Emperor Titans

  • Great Hegemon

Battle Titans

  • Gaugamela  Warlord Battle Titan 
  • Ipsus Granicus, known as Manifest Law  Warlord Battle Titan 
  • Coropedion  Warlord Battle Titan 
  • Dread Hellespontion  Warbringer Nemesis Battle Titan 
  • Tripolis Rex  Reaver Battle Titan (Hun class)
  • Megasthenes Dura  Reaver Battle Titan (Goth class)
  • Lord of Ash  Reaver Battle Titan (Hun class)
  • Codomannus – Reaver Battle Titan (Hun class)
  • Dura-Yurobus – Reaver Battle Titan (Vandal class)

Scout Titans

  • Kar-zari – Warhound Battle Titan (Vandal class)

+ Principal officers +

+ Crew of Codomannus +

+ Teutates Polassar, Princeps Senioris  +

+ Adept Xhao Non, Over-enginseer +


+ Crew of Coropedion +

+ Hamilcar Syphax, Princeps +


+ Crew of Dura-Yurobus +

+  Mauryan Magon, Princeps +


  1. Lovely. The heraldry details make them distinctive, they are absolutely great.


+ submission exloadform: inload [comments] herein +