Monday, November 11

+ inload: Metalica Maniple WIP +

+ Adeptus Titanicus: Armageddon +

+ More bits and bobs have arrived for my Iron Skulls (Legio Metalica) maniple, so while the armaments aren't final, I've managed to get two Warlords and a Reaver Steel HammerOld Three Skulls and Ferratus Tertius respectively – on their feet and properly assembled. +

+ And here I'm finding the perils of working in painting subassemblies. It's taken me weeks to work up to this point, and I rather wish I'd simply bitten the bullet and just assembled them fully. Every time I come to sit down and work, there's fifteen minutes or so of faffing about trying to reconnect things, remember which armour bits go where etc., and now I'm left with a big scary pile of stuff to work on – all rather paralysing! +

+ Here's Old Three Skulls – or Tricranium the Great, to give him his officialy designation. His weapons aren't final; they need to be married up to the old Epic one. +

+ Our Reavery friend, Ferratus Tertius. The banner has been hijacked from its intended recipient. Having been complaining about the inertia created by building everything en masse, I should balance that by saying it's been enjoyable to be setting the poses so things work in a group. It's also given me the opportunity to dot in interesting bits and bobs for each Titan to make them unique – like the mix of armour plates, variant heads, poses and unique weapons. +

+ Ferratus Tertius, for example, has a custom-built Fusion Cannon, built from – er... a Revaer Fusion cannon and two Warhound Melta Lances. Pleased with how it looks; and while this is intended as a purely visual chance, it could also be used to reflect the Experimental Weapon stratagem or similar +

+ Titan of the Maniple's Princeps Senioris, Malleo Chalybis has all its weapons in place – though I'm still deciding on the head. While I like these classic style heads (available from Battle Bling), I think I'd prefer a little more variety. +

+ As with his smaller comrade, the Steel Hammer has a custom-made gun. This is a combination of a Knight Armiger arm from Taro Modelmakers with a Battle Bling upper arm and an armour plate from a Belicosa Volcano Cannon. I also used the top of the Belicosa to create a proper joint for a Titan, too. +

+ Now just to paint them! Seeing them laid out here is getting my enthusiasm up, so I'm going to aim to bite the bullet and just get started on painting. After all, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. +


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