+ Amber Kings and Murder Lords +
+ You go decades without building a Warhound then four come along at once. I've been enlisted to construct and paint a Maniple of Murder Lords (Legio Interfector), starting with a pair of Warhounds. In addition, my Gallicaedes upgrade kit arrived – you can see him above left. +
+ Gallicaedes upgrade kit review +
+ Designed by Grim Dark Terrain [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+], I bought my print from the licensed DarkMaterialsMinis shop [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+]. Lovely little kit that will be joining my Legio Validus. +
+ This adorable little Death Chicken is a conversion kit for the GW plastic Warhound Titan. It goes together very nicely. The feet and weapons are straight swaps, and there's an additional plate that fits between the waist and hips, giving it a bit of extra height. +
+ The shoulder plates replace the weapon mounting tops, and the big gun comes in five pieces: mounting, two braces, the gun itself, and a rear power cable. The main mounting slots neatly into the recessed gratings on the top of the plastic kit, and two big bracing pistons sit in the spaces at the top of the weapon mountings – so don't be too hasty when building: you need to leave the top plates off. The power cable then slots into the back and the gun in the spot. +
+ The gun fits very snugly – I opted to glue mine, but there are recesses for 5mm x 1mm magnets built in, so you can swap it out. The full kit comes with two additional head options (for three in total) and a volcano cannon option to swap out for this neutron laser. +
+ After that, the other bits, like the head, just stick on. Some additional targeters etc. help to disguise the Warhound origin, and the result is a nice distinct Dire Wolf equivalent. I'm impressed both with Grim Dark Terrain's design and DarkMaterialsMinis service – the print was lovely and clean and that lovely Fraser chap sent down two base toppers as a bonus: nice! +
+ Murder Lords – Legio Interfector +
+ There is no sensible way to say 'Murder Lords'. The name pretty much demands Mëtäl ümläüts and headbanging – and that's just as it should be for a game involving giant robots smashing into each other. ++ Leaning into this, I though Khorne Juggernaut heads would look appropriately aggressive for this lunatic Legio. The conversion's relatively quick and easy – the Juggernaut head is assembled as normal, and then the back of a Warhound head is attached to fill the void. +
+ The Warhound head comes in a few parts, so I found the two halves of the 'mounting ball' and glued those together. Once the poly cement had set, I set to with clippers, trimming away everything except the flat back of the head and the mounting ball. It was then a case of carefully cutting away the edges until it fit snugly into the back of the juggernaut head. You don't need to be particularly neat, as the way the head sits in the carapace ensures it's mostly hidden anyway. +
+ As with my own Titans, I'm magnetising these. I've used 3mm magnets on the necks and on the weapons. The latter required me to trim away a little of the ball joint on the bottom of the weapon mount. This was then glued into the relevant weapon to ensure flat surfaces on both sides, before magnets were glued on using superglue. +
+ The models were then based using the technique detailed in this step-by-step tutorial [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]. Once this has dried, I'll prime them with Halford's brown camo spray and get painting. +
Oh, these are sexy! Awesome conversions!