Friday, January 17

+ inload: Betrayal at Calth baddies +

+ Word Bearers +

+ The start of a new year can make it hard to get back into the swing of things; and nowhere more so than your hobby. I avoid forcing myself to paint, build or convert – after all, it's not a job – but when the muse strikes, dive back in. +

+ I ended up with that magical confluence of time, energy and enthusiasm last night, and cracked on with the Word Bearers I'm building for the Betrayal at Calth boardgame. I'm now pretty happy with the red on these two, so it's onwards to details next. +

+ Kurtha Sedd of the Third Hand +
 + Eartha Kitt – I'm sorry, Kurtha Sedd – is ticking over nicely. Again, I've really enjoyed freehand detailing the Colchisian constellations (or whatever they are). While it's quite time-consuming, it's very engaging – I had to stop myself from doing too much! In terms of the rest of the scheme, I think I'm going to do the cloak in a muted brown leather. I'm tempted by a brighter contrast, but think that underplaying the 'costume' aspect in favour of battlefield practicality will help make these more convincing villains. +

+ Mugla of the Blasted Cedar +

+ The same applies to this marine – red's pretty much done, so it's all downhill from here. Note the beginning of transition on the combat blade – achieved simply by using a clean, dry brush to lift out a little of the wet paint in areas. +

+ A couple of group shots, showing the Word Bearers as they currently stand. Need to work out a basing scheme... probably the same as my Ultramarines. +


  1. Very nice troops.
    Sometimes i forget, how much i loath the Word Bearers.
    Then i look at my copy of the mark of calth on the shelve and i remember...

  2. Maybe it could be the start of a healing process to build some of those dogs as well...

  3. Splendid. They look totally impressive.

  4. I really like these.
    The Primaris make great true scale marines and the idea of using them to make proper imposing Chaos Marines hasn't diminished with the release of the new range of Chaos Marines. Now that I've seen these, that idea has grown even stronger.....great work.


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