Wednesday, March 12

+ inload: Cassus Belli, Imperator Titan +

+ Cassus Belli, Imperator Titan +

'How like a god he is, that ancient machine, primal of his kind, the Imperator! His mighty fists, massive like two towers of destruction, laden with the doom of mankind's bitter foes. He watches over us now as battle joins, and in his shadow we shall advance upon our enemies and defeat them.'

I have very kind and generous friends, and Lucifer216 is the master of artifice that has granted the Legio Metalica this magnificent creation. Even bereft of his upper towers, he's the biggest model I've ever worked on. He was 3D printed and given to me assembled, as shown:

... which meant I had little to do in terms of construction beyond a little gap filling. For this I used greenstuff, using the blade end of a modelling tool to cut and place small strips, then the blunt end to smooth and shape it.

The cold, hard, unforgiving light of day shows both the results of my cack-handed efforts, and some of the minor print damage. The material is pretty sturdy, with some flex, but the detail on the digital sculpt is perhaps a bit fine to translate well – this is the reason the towers are missing too: Lucifer216 found that the filigree of the stained glass windows simply didn't print well.

He's suggested substituting the towers with the Civitas Imperialis spires [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+] from the Titanicus range, which I think's a great idea.

This rear shot shows the repairs made to the plasma reactor breach. Note I've left the gap in the doors; it just seemed fitting – a  good space for a techpriest, perhaps? [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+]


+ Painting +

There's no avoiding that this is a huge model, so I thought the best bet was just to get stuck in – otherwise he's going to lurk intimidatingly forever!

He's received a black undercoat, followed by brown and red zenithal sprays.

A scale shot to show the size of the beast:

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