Wednesday, January 11

+ inload: That Rogue Trader taste – Alaitoc +

 + More Guardians +

+ It's not just lasguns that Eldar were armed with in Rogue Trader – half of your squads could have the rightly-feared shuriken catapults, and that's how my new Alaitoc project [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+] is progressing. +

+ Guardian Battle squad +

+ Squads armed with shuriken catapults (as opposed to lasguns) were termed 'Battle squads', something that I think went the way of the dodo in second edition – though as I never played against an Eldar army in either Rogue Trader or second edition, I'd take that cum grano salis. +

+ The Mike McVey original above, and my homage/update below. As with the other squad in the previous inload, I've tried to evoke the pose, armament and details while making the most of the lovely modern sculpt. I'm struck with how naturally the old weapons, despite being much less bulky than their modern counterparts, still slot into the hands without any modification needed to the shoulders or elbows to accommodate it. In fact, the only conversion needed is a fiddly bit of cutting, trimming and drilling to get the gripping hand off the new shuriken catapult – after that, the old guns slot right in. +


+ Guardian Assault squad +

+ ...and just as there were other terms for Guardians with shuriken catapults, so what are now called Storm Guardians were simply 'Guardian Assault squads', which were armed with pistols and swords, or dual pistols. The GW studio army had five armed with power swords and laspistols (eat your heart out Howling Banshees), with the squad leader wearing a power glove. +

+ The old eldar power glove is one of those peculiar bits that I absolutely adore. I've always, always liked it, and never had a chance to use it. Perhaps there's a similar particular piece of equipment in your bits box, that you've been saving for years but never quite commit to using? +

+ Well, here was the chance – where better? +

+ My interpretation uses the original equipment – a power sword and power glove – but I've opted to update the pose. Part of this is laziness – the new kit includes much more dynamic options so it was an easier choice than paintstakingly converting it back to the standing pose – but it's also a nice way to update the model. The old Guardians didn't have a great range of poses, but I can take advantage of the modern sculpts to make a more dynamic mobile-looking assault squad. +

+ Baldness and topknots weren't nearly so de rigeur for the Eldar in the 90s, so I also took the opportunity to add a little hair with a spot of greenstuff. +


+ Greenstuff +

+ As with the Blood Angels [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+], I wanted to keep the conversion work fairly minimal for the bulk of this Alaitoc army – time, space and inclination all work against more involved conversions for everyone – and in this, I think it fits with the spirit of the inspiration, which (refreshingly) encouraged you to put down some very basic colours and then get playing. +

+ With that said, that has to be balanced against creating something specifically 'retrohammer' – a rather nebulous term that I use to mean something 'feels right'. I mentioned in my previous inload that part of that involves the banners, and I'm pleased to say that I've now sourced some pins ready to get those sorted. +

+ The other part was the backpack vanes. These are absent in the old guardians, but quite prominent in the new. I took the plunge and trimmed them away, which I think goes a surprisingly long way to changing the silhouette. You be the judge. +

+ Of course, I couldn't leave ruddy great gaping holes in the back, so I prepped some greenstuff and popped them in place. Using the point of a rat-tail file, I then added a few dots to emulate the 'tea strainer' vents of the originals. +

+ Here's the result – and I'm please with them. As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts. +


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