Monday, June 29

+ inload: Gatebreakers infantry completed +

+ Objective: Complete +

+ Thought I'd start with a bit of shameless self-congratulation today, as my Gatebreakers turned up on GW's hobby roundup last week. +

+ That nice little surprise gave me a bit of a kick up the hindquarters, and I've pressed on to complete the first sixteen. That's got me well on the way to having something ready in time for the launch of 9th edition. +

+ That, of course, meant I had to make some decisions on basing. In the end, I've gone for a rich, red earth with a variety of sprouting plants. It harmonises with the Gatebreaker's scheme, and is anonymous enough to work on most typical tables – importantly, it'll go nicely with the new mat to which I've treated myself. More on that in a future inload. +

+ Gunsight techy bits have been added in orange – another colour that harmonises with the warm shadow – and I've ticked in the Chapter symbol and other iconography. Gun casings have stayed black, with minimal highlighting. I want the guns and other equipment to look no-nonsense, and not distract from what's already a bold scheme. +


  1. Fantastic results, congratulations. This is a fun project to watch.
    I'm almost inspired enough to try painting sub-assemblies...but that still seems daunting...
    Anyway, great results! Well done.

    1. Always worth an experiment, I say. Nice thing about sub-assemblies is that if things go wrong, you've not lost much! :)


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