Tuesday, March 13

+ inload: Orks, Space Marines and some old friends +

+ Orks on the painting desk +

Various greenskins start to get their paint on.
+ A rather broken painting session saw me block in the clothing and armour of three orks and a couple of grots. With this in place, I'm moving on to the more enjoyable task of painting skin. +

+ As usual, I like to get some variety in skintones in a force; but I want to balance that against speed – I've got a game scheduled against the Crimson Fists of Bob_Hunk in (yikes) three weeks' time – so the solution is to use paint remaining on the palette to slap on the runts. The picture above shows what a difference application can make: the grinning ork on the right and the grot on the left are painted using the same mixes; the only difference is that I use smooth, blended application for the grots, and textural scumbling and feathering for the orks to create the impression of rougher, leathery skin. +

+ This pict-capture's a good illustration of the freewheeling approach to painting I'm using here – they're all at different stages, including one with (oddly) just his teeth done. +

+ Gathered forces of the Imperium +

+ The Alien Wars project +

+ What started out as a quick way to paint up the Dark Imperium boxed set has taken on a bit of a life of its own. The Rogue Trader/Nova Terra Interregnum setting is proving a gumbo of juicy ideas, and has quickly expanded to encompass lots of 'orphan' models – those that I bought on a whim or was given, and have had no big project to use them on. +
Blood Angels, Imperial Guardsmen and Squat Throngsmen
 The Alien Wars project is proving not to be just an aesthetic thing, but a great excuse to dig through my pile of lead, tin, resin and plastic. The 'skirmishy' nature of the forces – very small groups; sometimes just two or three – makes painting more of a pleasure. It seems to fit me very well. +

+ The picture above shows what would make a rather lovely Rogue Trader force in itself – a varied mix of models that need only a sentence or two to tie 'em together. Does the picture above suggest a story to you? +

The Blood Angels are ticking over.
+ As you might have noticed over the past few inloads, I've been on a building and background spree recently – the two seem to go together; as there's plenty of time to think while you're in the flow of chopping, gluing and sculpting. The Blood Angels deserved a bit more time in the sun (after all, this started as 'their' project), so I've cracked on with a couple more.

+ Tallowlands +

...and, rather apropos of nothing, here are three dwarfs. They're the Forge World pack, kindly picked up by Lucifer 216 on a recent trip to Warhammer World. They'll make a lovely addition to the Throng of Nog. The sculpts are lovely, though I could resist reducing the slayer's (leftmost here) hunchback. As with the orks above, I trimmed the neck so I could set the head up a little higher. This meant resculpting a little hair, and also giving him some structure around the middle – somewhere normally covered by the beard. He's got a stocky little abdomen now.


  1. What mark is that bolt pistol that the sergeant is holding?

    Your Rogue Trader's group needs the man (or woman) himself in the middle with some sort of bombastic uniform, and a few priests (both tech and emperor worshipers). Throw in some dead xenos that they are tromping on, and you have a real scene!

  2. It's a Tigrus-pattern bolt pistol, I think. It's from the Mark V assault marine set (loads of great bits in that set; particularly the jump packs and legs).

    *Very* tempted to make a Rogue Trader now! :D

  3. Thanks! I will keep that in mind.

    And turn about is only fair play... your posts regularly make me want to try out new things.


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