Monday, November 20

+ inload: Thorn Moons invitational update +

+ The Nor of Na Phom +

From left, we've got a Geld, a Martinet on the Unman, a Monitor (rear), then two other Gelds; the one at the front being a fresh recruit, marked out by his consignment pelt.

+ Basic information on this project can be found in this earlier inload [+noospheric inloadlink embedded+], but today I finally finished putting the group together. I had (just about) hit the earlier deadline for submitting WIP pict-captures – you can see the results on Iron Sleet itself here [+noospheric inloadlink embedded+] – though they were at a faintly embarrassing level of non-completion. +

+ Spool on a couple of weeks, and I've got all five (arguably six, depending on how you read the unman) ready for paint.  +

+ The project was a lot of fun. Getting a balance between creative individuality, without making the group incoherent, required a lot of back-and-forth work. +

+ The figures are unabashedly retro – I like trying to use the most modern components I can find to give a fresh take on older 40k tropes; so these five have a dash of pop-culture Vietnam, a dose of technobarbarism, and a hefty splodge of 2000AD. This latter influence will come through still more in the painting, as I fancy a blue-skinned approach for the Na Phom to help solidify their non-standard humanity, and to contrast with the unman, who I'm planning to use my more practised skin techniques upon. Quite apart from anything else, I haven't used blue in ages, and this seems a great opportunity. +

+ Conversion work +

+ The pict-capture above is of the pre-primed figures, so you can see the conversion work and sculpting – this is mainly finer detail work (pouches, straps, hair etc.) which is fairly subtle, but adds up to distance the figures from their original purpose. In so doing, I hope the Warhammer Fantasy feel has been successfully submerged beneath a 40k ident. The Unman required the most work, with the face proving the most challenging (and rewarding) part. +

+ There's a lot of parts involved, some of which are a bit obscure, but the Gelds are basically Solar Auxilia legs with Tzeentch Marauder torsos and Khorne Marauder heads. +


  1. Very Jacobs Ladder! Love them! <3

    1. Your comments always have me scrambling for the search engine, but very glad they do! That looks like a very creepy film, and thanks for the kind words. :)

  2. Looking excellent so far. I love how you have captured a sort of wild feel with those gelds.

    What did you do with the back of the monitor? I have the same figure on my work bench, and have been trying to figure out what to do with it (besides just leaving it stock!) and the flamer tanks on his back are quite a bit to handle.

    1. Ta very much. I've got a stock version of the model (because she's an ace sculpt!) already painted, so figured I'd play around with this one. The conversion's relatively simple – headswap for a head made from a Chaos cultist and a big gun servitor(?); a new arm from the genestealer cultist box with a bit of scraping and re-sculpting (the bone stylus is from a ghoul kit). I simply trimmed away the extra fuel line, leaving the tank in place – the Nor Na Phom might be able to breathe the toxic air of the Thorn Moons, but the Inquisitorial aide is taking no chances, and is carrying some pre-purified oxy-nitro mix for maximum alertness.

  3. Bro. Sorry to write here but I didnt find your email address. Id like to send you some proposals for the header of your blog. I like massively everything you do, your minis are amazing. Blog's header is the only thing I find unattractive. Id like to help since Im a graphic designer. write to me: Glory to the Iron Hands. cheers.

    1. Not at all, thanks for the comment. Thanks for the kind offer – and yes, the header is a bit amateurish; it's all my own work :D


+ submission exloadform: inload [comments] herein +