Monday, August 8


+ Malcode +

+ Picasa Web Albums [the image hosting site I use for Death of a Rubricist, and various discussion fora] has gone the way of all flesh, and I'm at a bit of a loss for what to get to replace it. I wondered if I could ask the noosphere for some advice, so please do let me know if you have any suggestions. +

+ Theoretical +

+ Google is migrating the Picasaweb service across to Google Photos. Unfortunately, this new service seems to revolve entirely around social media, so while it'd probably work here, there doesn't seem to be any way to show photos on discussion fora like The First ExpeditionBolter & Chainsword etc.

I've used Photobucket in the past, but while I could head back there, it's a mess of ads these days. 

+ Practical +

+ Can anyone suggest a similar service to Picasaweb that will let me organise and share images? +


  1. Can you host them on a cloud service like Dropbox or Drive? Free storage is increasingly a thing of the past it seems...

    1. I can host 'em; the issue is getting them from there onto a discussion forum. Google Photos (the site that Picasa is being folded into) would work fine, except for the fact that it doesn't let me get the link codes that would allow me to use the [img] tags etc.

  2. Personally, I use 500px. It's a little restrictive if you don't purchase a membership, but it does offer a really good service! :3

    1. Ah, cheers. I've uploaded a few to test it out, but can't seem to see where I get the linkcode – i.e. how I get them onto a forum. Any ideas? :\

    2. If you open up the photo on 500px; next to gallery is a black, curvy arrow, select it and then select 'embedded' on the tab that opens. It'll give you all the codes you need. :3

  3. Anything for my blog I use google, for forums I just use dakka as I have a plog there. Then I just their gallery when updating plogs on other sites. Seems to work well.

  4. I use Flikr. It is powered by Yahoo, but it's free provided you don't need the gimmicks of Pro, and GW has a public gallery there too. As for link tags, I think you'd have to copy the page link, maybe put it through an html shortener?


+ submission exloadform: inload [comments] herein +