+ inload: Objective Secured +
I'm here to rescue you! |
+ Like terrain, I often leave objectives to the last minute in favour of adding more soldiers – and like a lot of last-minute stuff, quickly-done bits like this can turn out surprisingly well! +
+ Marker objectives +
+ You can split objective markers into loose categories – markers, and modelled. Markers are the simple ones; tokens or abstract models like the set of servo skulls GW released a few years ago. I had fun painting these up one weekend round at my friend's house while we chatted and drank synth-ale:
+ I used the opportunity to try out some different white/bone colour schemes and lens effects. While the models aren't particularly detailed, they paint up quite nicely, and their larger scale provides some good blending practice. A little freehand detailing was added with red, to fit them into the 40k universe. +
+ I find dice, templates etc. being left on the table during a game detract from the experience by spoiling the visuals. I won't go so far as to say they ruin it or anything, but I always try to keep the board clear. As a result, I've often cleared off dice meant as wound markers, objectives etc., which can get very annoying for the other players! Having these little servo skulls to cradle specific dice is a great way to ensure these bits remain unswept. +
+ These sort of symbolic objective markers are simple, and they have the advantage that they can't be mistaken for anything, but they're not quite as pleasing visually as modelled objectives, particularly if those are themed around the game or army. +
+ Modelled objectives +
+ These are a lot of fun, and while they take a bit more effort, they're a great way to encourage you to think of a story for your games. I've made quite a few objective markers over recent years; they work nicely as a quick way of enhancing the feel of a game and being a good way to help create a sense of immersion. +
+ Governess Sibley of Thrymyr, above, was the final objective of our Frigia campaign. Built from a GW Vampire Counts model (the giant ghost throne thing), I simply trimmed back a lot of the excessive baroquerie and sculpted a danish pastry-style haircut to make a Princess Leia-alike that would fit into the 40k universe. +
+ A quick paintjob on an optional model gives the benefit that you're not too invested in the figure, so you have the freedom to experiment without the feeling you'll be letting down the overall look of a group. As a result, such figures benefit from a real creative, experimental urge, and – at least in my experience – a much more satisfying result! +
+ Theming objective models around an army also gives you a chance to show the non-combat side of the army; whether that's a civilian or simply a serf, like this runt, a serf in service of the Novamarines Fifth:
Perhaps not exactly non-combat, but bearing an empty scabbard is about as peaceful as the 41st Millennium gets! |
+ The pict-capture to the left shows a new dark mix that I tried out – a watered-down Orkhide Shade and Necron Abyss mix over a grey undercoat, then covered with Winsor & Newton black ink and Daler Rowney matt medium. A fairly successful experiment that was used on Captain Mercian's cloak. +
+ Small objectives at the size of single figures can look good, but objective markers can also be bigger terrain pieces in certain circumstances. This deceased Ultramarines banner bearer has collapsed into a large shell hole – a large centrepiece that has good visual impact.+
+ This approach gives you an extra piece of characterful terrain to play with later, irrespective of whether it's used as a gameplay objective or not. +
+ What do you use as your objectives? +
Currently nothing. But I'm full of grand ideas and visualisations.....