Thursday, September 19

+ inload: Badab +

+ Back to Badab +

+ A few inloads back, I showed I was working on casualties for Kill Team Clawthorn [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]; here are the first four dead/injured versions, undercoated and ready for paint. +

+ A couple of new marines have appeared, too. Being fairly anonymous, I'm not sure whether to add them to the Astral Claws or start a second Kill Team, perhaps Star Phantoms or Novamarines. +

+ While I was undercoating, I took the opportunity to spray a couple of individuals: a squat and Titan crewman (thanks to the very generous Omricon for the latter). +


  1. I do love that Squat mini, looking forward to seeing how you paint it.

    1. Yeah, both of the new squats are great sculpts. Really looking forward to painting 'em up.

  2. Likewise I love that Titan crewman. Can’t wait to see him painted!!

    1. Just got to remember how I painted the others now! I guess Princeps get a bit of leeway on uniform...


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