Monday, July 29

+ inload: Halicarnas campaign opening+

+ Missive: Legio Petition – Halicarnas +

Dataspool: Princeps Senioris grade and above2907019.M41Checkdate: N/A / InternalPriority: Crimson

My lord,

Amphimachus the Thin, the Planetary governor of Halicarnas [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+], has requested our aid:
With entreaties and memoria of our lasting friendship, we request, most regretfully and humbly, the aid of your Titan Legion. The deployment of a Maniple of your most puissant and glorious Legio would surely terrify potential rebels into submission, and firmly restate the glory and influence of the house of Amphimachus in this time of our need. We ask you to look to our previous service and association [in-Legio subset report: trade – net positive; political – net negative] and pray that the Throne guides you well in speedy submission to my appeal.


Our agents have revealed the following:

Over the course of the past three generations, long-established trade pacts have thinned for Halicarnas as allied Imperial worlds and nearby Forgeworlds – including our own sponsors – have found new trading partners. This has led to deepening recession, periodic famine and unrest on the world. In defiance of the Planetary Governor’s edicts, it is believed that elements of the Halicarnan government have been prompted to look beyond their traditional routes for growth. Rumours of smuggling, grey-market trading and even forbidden non-human contracts have grown commonplace in the months since.

+ Go-Xi of Xoa +
Were Amphimachus to be deposed cleanly and quickly, it is possible that a successor would be able to improve things. We have identified House Xoa as the most capable and creative of potential successors. Seemingly upstanding, Xoa are best set to ascend to the Halicarnassan governorship; and indeed served as Planetary Governors for two centuries in the recent past before being dethroned by forces loyal to the Amphimachans. Xoa’s current head, Go-Xi, has forged some promising new trading routes – a rarity for this world. While caution must be advised, as their inward-looking nature in recent years makes them an unknown quantity, the House of Xoa has become exceptionally outward-looking and entrepreneurial.

Many – though not all – of Amphimachus’ subordinates have grown increasingly corrupt, while Amphimachus himself has remained steadfast and honest to the point of stubbornness. Despite the straitened times, the house of Amphimachus has proven stubbornly loyal to the Imperium. He, like his ancestors, has paid the Tithes in full and on time every generation – though at an increasing cost to his authority and the populace. The reactionary, stoic and spartan nature of Amphimachus himself means he still commands personal respect from his people, suffering as he does alongside them.

+ Assessed-optimal landing zone +
Make no mistake, despite its political isolation, Halicarnas is an important planet, providing succour for a number of nearby systems, including critical worlds [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]. It also acts as a warning station ahead of corewards aggression into the sector. Its current predicament is regrettable and requires action. It is for you to decide whether it is the fault of the governor, and what the best way is to re-invigorate the fortunes of this world.


The Grand Master of the Legio has granted you authority to Walk; ceding a portion of the Legion’s power to use as you see fit.
  • Declare (by reply) whether you will defend the House of Amphimachus, support a coup in favour of the House of Xoa, or sit out this conflict.
  • Create a campaign list of no more than 4,000 pts (remember to keep some in reserve!).
  • Titans should be named, to help tracking.
  • Submit the list to the campaign organiser, along with your Titan Legion’s name, before Friday.


+ Copies of this message have gone out to the potential players in this campaign; we now await to see the responses of each force. +

+ I've deliberately avoided the 'loyalist' and 'traitor' labels; I'm hoping we get to explore the grey areas a bit more. +


  1. Interesting! Looking forward to see what happens.

    1. Players have started replying in character, which I hope to share!


+ submission exloadform: inload [comments] herein +