+ Lukaerna Nemoc +
Cha'anxi. An important border system for the Tau, and a beachhead for the coalition of godsworn-forces called the Curdling Armada. Two months ago, the sept-world of Or'na was invaded by Astartes of the Iron Warriors, whose brutal armoured assault scattered the defenders of the H'unk Hunter Cadre. The Tau defenders now hunker in and around the outskirts of the city of M'Kel Bay, desperately training reserves and ferrying in equipment for the inevitable assault.
For their part, the invaders are forced to wait. As scouts, cultists and infiltrators seed themselves across the systems of the Tzi-Na Enclave, the Armada's charismatic leader, Kainan, has cloistered himself in his vessel, though to what purpose the various sub-commanders remain in the dark. Even the scryomancy of the Thousand Sons are unable to penetrate the World Eaters formidable mental defences.
The alliance of such a chaotic force is fragile at best, and while thus far it remains unfractured, such inaction rests uneasily with the forces of the warp. Still, such orders are meat and drink to some amongst the Alliance: the Iron Warriors 242nd have fortified a region of Or'na, and has constructed sufficient nav-pylons to allow the other forces of the Armada to begin deployment. A warband of Death Guard has arrived; a portion of a larger force. They are led by the dread Krug Ikthos, who has sent his able lieutenant Plague Surgeon Nemoc forward to weaken the Tau defenders of M'Kel Bay...
+ If you'd like to read more of the Tzi'Na Crisis, vis-enhanced datablurts are available at the following noospheric nodes:
- Setting: [The Tzi'Na Enclaves]
- Battle reports:
- [Confrontation at Coripaest] Chaos forces break through Imperial interdiction to begin their travel to the Tzi'Na enclave.
- [Invasion of Cha'Anxi] An Iron Warriors spearhead engages the first lines of the Brightsword Protectorate's defences.
+ Lukaerna Nemoc +
+ More building last night; and as sometimes happens, I got carried away. I had intended to build the Plague Surgeon 'stock', as I really like the model – but just as the glue was drying, I suddenly spotted a spare half-hood... Well, the result is below:
+ A hand-bell adds to the odd 'out-of-time' feel of the Death Guard. +
+ Not much has changed from the back – it's a fantastic model. It struck me how relatively accurate the proportions of this figure were, when compared with some of the more stylised troops. Standing very straight, he may be the only properly upright Space Marine I've ever seen! +
+ I'm reserving the majority of the more twisted/daemonic/mutated parts for some specifically mutated/possessed troops, but a scattering of bits here and there will help them to blend. In any case, this is the default pad, and a rather nice one. +
+ The front shows where the majority of the work has gone – at root a head swap and arm swap, it was complicated by the presence of the hood. I've used a carved-down Space Marine head to sit within the space, and add the front hood from another Death Guard miniature. For the most part, it's all plastic – the part of the hood with the tiny bell is a tentacle, for example, that I've shaved down and blended into the surface with poly cement. I have used some greenstuff for the back of the hood, but it's very minimal. +
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