+ Great Gargant Command Terminal +
+ This project is one to develop a set of fun rules for ork gargants in Adeptus Titanicus. If you're fresh to this, feel free to browse the related inloads below:
+ Related inloads +
+ General abstract [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]
+ Fires [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]
+ Krew [+noosphericinloadlink embedded+]
+ Playtesting +
+ For those who've been following, lets get stuck into the practical, which will allow you to playtest Orks in Adeptus Titanicus. Waaagh! +
+ Here's version 0.2 of the Great Gargant Command Terminal:
+ Suggested models +
+ If you wish to playtest Engine War: Orks in Adeptus Titanicus, then first off, thanks! I'd love to hear how you find it, and welcome any feedback on your playtesting. In terms of models to use, I suggest you try a 40k ork Gorkanaut/Morkanaut, or an Epic Mega Gargant as a proxy for the Great Gargant, or guidance on intended size.
With that said, Gargants are very variable – as long as it's roughly comparable in height to a Warlord Titan, and you use a base identical in size to the Warlord Titan's oval, you shouldn't run into any awkward bits. If you do, let me know. +
+ Terminology +
+ For clarity, I've tried to keep the language as similar as possible to the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook for the Gargant rules themselves, and restrict orky terms to background text, or for new unique rules – for example, 'Krew'; in order to distinguish this mechanic from background references to crew. +
+ It does throw up a few bits and bobs that sound off – I imagine an ork Kaptin's 'Power to Stabilisers' order would probably involve rather more colourful language, for example. In these instances, I encourage you to substitute appropriate jargon – 'Full Steam Ahead!' rather than Pushing the reactor, 'Scrag dose Zoggas!' in place of First Fire, for example. Just make sure the other player(s) are clear what you mean before you make any rolls! +
+ In the text below, any rules are presented in a different typeface, for ease of reference:
Note: This is an example of how Rules text appears.
+ Machine Spirit +
+ Orks have a pragmatic and experimental approach to both engineering and religion. If pressed, most orks will agree that a Gargant is a body for Gork or possibly Mork, but they tend to admire rather than worship the Gargants directly. Gargants also tend to lack any sort of universal systems akin to an Imperial Mind-Impulse Unit; instead relying on a command deck crew like a naval cruiser. This crew will invariably contain a Kaptin, who commands the Gargant; a flagboss, who relays orders both within the Gargant and to nearby Gargants; and various other important cronies and henchmen of the Kaptin. ++ As a result, Ork Gargants do not have Machine Spirits, instead relying on an array of wheels, levers, buttons, valves and tubes to get things done. However, things can – and do – go wrong; generally for the worst, but occasionally for the benefit of the Gargant. +
Machine Spirit: Ork Gargants do not have Machine Spirits. When Pushing the Reactor, a Cog result on the die will result in the Boiler Pressure venting unexpectedly. Move the Boiler Pressure marker D6 spaces downwards. If it cannot move downwards, move it as far as possible, then start a Fire in a region determined by rolling the Location die.
+ Shields +
+ The technologies behind ork Power Fields are many and varied; some making a partially visible sheen, superficially similar to Imperial voids; others projecting great bubbles of gravitational force that turn the surrounding air hazy and greasy; still others relying on blunt but reliable ablative reactive counter-measures – that is, controlled explosions that blow incoming projectiles out of the sky (generally to the appreciative whoops of the orks around it.) +
+ What is universal is that Power Fields are powered by brutally powerful generators, usually reliant on the Gargant's engine room, which are run until sufficient energy is absorbed or deflected to cause the generator to fail – sometimes spectacularly. +
Power Fields: Ork Power Fields are treated in an identical manner to Void Shields, except that they always provide a 4+ save, and cannot be repaired.
When making Power Field saves, if more than one dice shows a '1' result, a generator has blown spectacularly. The shield(s) is/are knocked down as normal, and a fire marker is started in an area determined by rolling the location die.
At the start of the game, place a marker at the top of the Power Field track, and move it downwards after each failed save. When the last Power Field save is failed, remove the marker – the shields blow out as for Imperial Void Shields.
+ Krew +
+ The Krew area on the Command Terminal represents the number of mobs of oilers, riggers, stokers, meks, runtherds, gunners and assorted enthusiastic hangers-on that make up the crew of all Gargants. Gargant krew mobz may be made up of the mekboyz and spannaz that built the Gargant, intimately familiar with its workings and able to repair and tune it on the go. They may equally be made up of press-ganged slaves, orks nursing hangovers, or enthusiastic but inept Wildboyz. ++ A Gargant will carry dozens or hundreds of orks and gretchin, but greenskins aren't the most organised of species. As a result, unless properly 'motivated' by an nob overseer, they will tend to get bored and wander off to peer out of portholes at the battle, or try to wrestle their way into having a go on one of the deck gunz. A network of shouting tubes allows the Kaptin to assign his krew where he wishes – most of the time. +
Krew are represented by dice rolled during the strategy phase, which can be assigned to the marked spaces on each area of the Gargant. The Krew dice are used just like markers on the Command Terminal, and should be kept with the same face upwards.
Assigning Krew: Krew dice are moved from the Krew area to the marked spaces on the Command Terminal during the course of the turn. For example, if the Kaptin wishes to make a special order, a Krew die must be assigned to the Head. Once a Krew dice has been assigned, it cannot be moved or reassigned.
Krew quality: The number rolled indicates the quality of the krew in the mob. In the End Phase, they can be used to repair or fight fires: the higher the number, the more reliable and useful the krew.
+ The Gun Decks +
+ In addition to the mighty primary weapons on the arms and belly, most gargants sport half a dozen or more additional turrets on their shoulders, clustered on the front of the torso, and occasionally on the head. The krew often congregate on the gun decks, brawling over who gets to fire the guns, and who has to help load and carry ammunition. Relatively exposed, the orks and gretchin here can enjoy basking in the glory of the battle from a great vantage point – though they need to watch out for stray shots! +
Gundecks: A Gargant's secondary guns can be fired by Krew assigned here (see command terminal). When rolling the location dice, a Special result indicates the gundecks are hit; assign the damage to the Krew area. Fires cannot start in the Gundecks – instead assign one point of damage to the Krew area.
+ The Boiler +
+ No two Gargants are alike. Gargants are powered by a dizzying array of different motive systems rather than the largely standardised Plasma Reactor of an Imperial Titan. The sheer power required to move a Gargant on a war footing means that the boiler thrums with barely-contained energies. As more fuel is added, the ever-present roar of the Boiler is joined by increasingly loud sounds of strain – venting steam, yelling mekboyz, and the ping of rivets popping across the cavernous space. +Boiler: A Gargant's Boiler is treated in much the same way as an Imperial Plasma Reactor. When pushed – in order to fire weapons with the draining quality, or to put Power to Stabilisers, for example, move the counter upwards.
+ Addenda to the Core Rules +
When playing with Orks, the following additional rules apply.
+ Strategy Phase +
'Ere We Go: Orks may re-roll failed Full Stride or Charge Orders.
Organising da Krew: After rolling for initiative, the ork player should roll a die for each free (i.e. undamaged) space on the Krew area of the Command Terminal, then place the dice on the Krew area.
Orders: Prior to rolling for orders, the ork player may assign Krew to the head.
No Krew: The order roll is made with a -1 modifer.
One or two Krew: The order roll is made as normal.
Three or more Krew: The order roll is made with a +1 modifier.
+ Movement Phase +
Krew may be assigned to any area on the Command Terminal at any point during the Gargant's activation.
+ Gargants are towering mountains of rivetted metal and reinforced plate, within which are crawl-spaces, gathering points, access to the various weapon decks and a colossal magazine for storing the shells, replacement energy cabling and other ammunition that keeps it firing. The body also houses the bulk of a gargant's colossal energy storage chamber – generally referred to as a 'boiler', though the exact source of power can range from coal to esoteric minerals to drop-fusion, depending on the Mekboss's design – which is fuelled via the Engine Room below. +
Krew in the Body have no effect beyond being able to attempt to Fight Fires or Repair damage in the Repair phase.
No Krew: The Gargant may not declare Power to Stabilisers or Power to Locomotors.
One or more Krew: No special effects.
Rules for Krew in the gun decks are covered on the Gargant's command terminal.
[Rules pending – for the moment, I suggest you use the Warlord Titan Weapon cards with the following Krew rules:
No Krew: Attack Rolls are made at an additional -1.
One or two Krew: No special effects.
Three or more Krew: The weapon gains the Maximal Fire trait.]
+ Damage Control Phase +
If a Gargant's Boiler Pressure is in a hole with an orange or red indicator when it is activated in this phase, it is at risk of failure. Roll on the Boiler Failure table below:
1–2: Pfft: The boiler goes out. Apply the rules for Shutdown orders to the Gargant.3–5: Boiler leak: The Gargant suffers a strength 9 hit to the body, bypassing Power Fields.
6–8: Minor explosion: The Gargant suffers D3 strength 9 hits to the body, bypassing Power Fields. In addition, A Fire immediately starts in an area determined by the location die.
9–10: Towering Inferno: The Gargant suffers D3 strength 9 hits to the body, bypassing Power Fields. In addition, D3 Fires immediately start in a single area determined by the location die.
Fixin' fings: Each Krew marker may be used to make a repair action. There is no need to roll: simply apply the result already on the Krew die.
- Repair disabled weapon (X) – see Weapon card.
- Vent boiler (4+) Move the Boiler Pressure marker down one space.
- Repair Critical Damage (5+)
- Fight Fires (5+)
+ Combat Phase +
[Critical damage rules pending.]
+ End Phase +
Fires: In the end phase, roll a D6 for each area of the Gargant that contains at least one Fire marker. If the total is greater than the number of Fire markers in that area (or the result is a 6 regardless of the number of fires) the fire does not spread, and nothing happens. If the total is equal to or lower that the number of Fire markers, the fire spreads. Add another Fire marker to the area. If the region is filled with Fire markers, it will spread to another area – roll the location die to find the area.
Boiler Pressure: If there are no Krew in the Engine Room, the Boiler Pressure drops D3 spaces.
First, thanks for doing this - nice flavor.
ReplyDeleteThough I've only done a quick read through thus far. The first thing that struck me was the Krew rules. They seem more complex than they need to be. I like your idea of assigning them, but that can just be done in the Damage Control Phase.
Next - the Boiler. My read of your terminal is that it's best in the middle and bad if it either goes too high or too low, which I think is a cool mechanic. I'd suggest that anything that uses power (weapons or damage) makes the marker go down; anything that generates heat (such as fires) make it go up. Too high, more damage. Too low, the Gargant grinds to a halt.
Thanks for the feedback – all much appreciated :)
DeleteRegarding the relative complexity of the Krew rules, you may well be right. I mention in an earlier inload that I think they deserve a relatively high level of complexity – both to represent the chaotic (small 'c'!) nature of an ork war machine; and also because the Gargants don't have an equivalent to the machine Spirit or shield management mechanics.
With that said, I'm more than happy to hold my hands up and change things once we've got some playtesting under our belt. I think that'll quickly show whether the Krew mechanics get in the way, or are engagingly entertaining.
Regarding the boiler, your idea sounds great – my version feels a bit muddled at the moment, and I want to make sure that everything makes sense and feels right.