Wednesday, December 11

+ inload: 10 days 'til Hidden Armies are revealed +

+ 10 days to go +

+ For those following along with the #HiddenArmies challenge event  [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+] for The War of the False Primarch, there are 10 days remaining (though if your contribution goes up after the 21st, I daresay I'll find a way to slot it in). +

+ Today's inload looks at some Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten material – a mix of Partisans and Pentarchy. Haven't decided whether these will count as part of my own Hidden Armies or not just yet. +

+ Here then are a few odds and sods, and some notes: 

+ Death Eagle (I) marine. You can read some of their exploits in the War by following the tag here. Of all the Pentarchy, I think their very retro paint scheme (patchwork magenta and white) and their are-they-aren't-they background intrigues and repulses in equal measure. They haven't proven as popular as (say) the Carcharodons or Flesh Eaters, but those who have painted them seem to harbour a particular enthusiasm. I'm looking forward to painting up an example myself – I do love a bright heraldic scheme. +

+ Silver Star with grav gun. No particular reason behind this choice of special weapon beyond it lurking in my bits box for ages. Sometimes serendipity prompts things! +

+ A rather splendid character. Perhaps we'll see some more info on him in particular..? This command/veteran squad of Silver Stars has been a good opportunity to explore the Pseudolegion's decorative side – up 'til now they've been deliberately rather anonymous for narrative reasons, but as things close in on the False Primarch and his Astartes(?), I wanted to explore some more hints as to their origins. +

+ A banner bearer (or rather, a banner bearer-to-be, as I haven't got a plain banner yet. I was pleased with the floating laurel wreath on this figure. ++

+ Curved sabres have turned up here and there for the Silver Stars, and I needed another Sergeant or junior officer. +

+ Empty hands are something that I like to include in my armies – somehow it adds to the pose, to my mind. +

+ And a second Death Eagle, in arty monochrome as the base body is distractingly blue. A couple of decades ago, Mark VII helmets were use only as conversion fodder for me and the PCRC – how nostalgia changes things! +

+ ...and some flashes of the Silver Stars colour scheme and markings, if you fancy a little colour. +



  1. Seriously, all your work is superb. I never get tired of this, your marines are incredible


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