+ 'Get me fire support – now!' +
+ Another of the Ever-Readies finished up on the painting block last night. I was working the remaining half-dozen, and now have just the skin and details to do on the others. I didn't want to end the night with nothing finished, so worked this one up to completion. +
+ He'll be used as a Spotter specialist in Kill Team, so I wanted this role to be clear from the pose. The downside of single-piece metal models is that conversions are considerably more involved. Choice of figure is thus important. +
+ The sculpt is a loader from a lascannon team, so he's (appropriately enough) already pointing out a target to his team mate. +
+ One of the nice things about the Perry sculpts is that they're always well thought-through. This figure works well from any angle, and despite being taken from a two-part mould, has a very naturalistic and convincing pose. +
+ The face was fun to paint; you'll notice that it's worked up to a greater degree than the rest of the figure, in order to draw the eye. +
+ I also added 'Property of 634th' as a bit of kit graffiti. Large areas like the backs of jackets give nice opportunities for details like this that hint at the figure's character. +
+ Catachan Devils +
+ The old Codex: Catachan had the regiments' veterans called 'Catachan Devils' in honour of the ferocious predator of their homeworld. I'm really hoping we see a dedicated Catachan Devils kit for Kill Team. In the meantime, I'll make my own! I'm a little limited by available figures, but I'm aiming to field:
- Sergeant Veteran* with plasma pistol and power sword
- Confidant Veteran with boltgun
- Comms Veteran
- Demolition Veteran
- Hardened Veteran
- Sniper Veteran*
- Spotter Veteran
- Gunner Veteran* with flamer
- Trooper Veteran
- Trooper Veteran
+ If I manage to get them done, then the stretch goal will be to replace the Tactical Assets with:
- Bruiser Veteran
- Medic Veteran
- Trooper Veteran
- Trooper Veteran
+ But even these specialists will be counts-as figures (e.g. the bruiser will be armed with a chainsword, not a trench club), until I can spend some time sourcing some more appropriate models or convert them. +
+ Finally, I'd really like to build a Catachan-themed ogryn for friendly games. Ogryns are a favourite of mine, and they seem very fitting for a Kill Team-style narrative. It'd have to use homebrew rules for the moment, unless I swap over to using the new Kill Team Moroch Traitor Guard rules, which include an ogryn. +
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'No, over there!' |
Oh, I love this one. I had that crew once and remember this particular mini. Gorgeous work indeed!