+ New blog +
+ Our group of gaming ne'er-do'wells, The PCRC, have started up a new blog to chart our exploration of part of the Mortal Realms, The Tallowlands [+noosphericexloadlink embedded+]. Consider this your invitation to adventure! +
+ Bookmark +
https://tallowlands.blogspot.com/ +
+ Rest assured that + Death of a Rubricist + isn't going anywhere, and I'll be continuing to publish Age of Sigmar-themed hobby stuff (painting, modelling etc) here. The Tallowlands will get the bulk of the in-depth background material, battle reports and so forth. +
+ Why this approach? Firstly, I've never been entirely happy with how this blog dealt with Warhammer/Age of Sigmar material – the dataslate aesthetics don't really fit very well, and so the material's not been given the treatement it deserves. Secondly, and more importantly, the opportunity to do a shared blog with the PCRC gang is just too good to miss! +
+ My intent therefore is that fantasy-enthusiasts won't have to dig through the mainly 40k-themed material here on my personal blog, and will instead have a dedicated forum – that, owing to being a shared blog, will be considerably more varied and rich than I could offer here – while those who enjoy the occasional appearance of dwarfs, elves and so forth on Death of a Rubricist won't miss out. +
+ Those Death of a Rubricist subscribers who prefer fantasy to sci-fi will find much to get their teeth into over at The Tallowlands (though I hope you'll all give it a look, regardless of whether you are currently into Fantasy stuff). Needless to say, it contains some wonderful, creative models from some very talented writers and artists. I very much encourage you to comment with thoughts and questions as we develop this little corner of the Mortal Realms. +
+ Any questions or suggestions on how this affects +Death of a Rubricist+? Pop 'em in the +comment inloadsubmission form+ below. +
+ Why this approach? Firstly, I've never been entirely happy with how this blog dealt with Warhammer/Age of Sigmar material – the dataslate aesthetics don't really fit very well, and so the material's not been given the treatement it deserves. Secondly, and more importantly, the opportunity to do a shared blog with the PCRC gang is just too good to miss! +
+ My intent therefore is that fantasy-enthusiasts won't have to dig through the mainly 40k-themed material here on my personal blog, and will instead have a dedicated forum – that, owing to being a shared blog, will be considerably more varied and rich than I could offer here – while those who enjoy the occasional appearance of dwarfs, elves and so forth on Death of a Rubricist won't miss out. +
+ Those Death of a Rubricist subscribers who prefer fantasy to sci-fi will find much to get their teeth into over at The Tallowlands (though I hope you'll all give it a look, regardless of whether you are currently into Fantasy stuff). Needless to say, it contains some wonderful, creative models from some very talented writers and artists. I very much encourage you to comment with thoughts and questions as we develop this little corner of the Mortal Realms. +
+ Any questions or suggestions on how this affects +Death of a Rubricist+? Pop 'em in the +comment inloadsubmission form+ below. +
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